What are the best YouTube JavaScript tutorials from beginner to mastery level?

 What are the best YouTube JavaScript tutorials from beginner to mastery level?

Clever programmers channel


programming with mosh channel

  1. Intro to CS101 - if completely new
  2. Codecademy (https://www.codecademy.com/learn/javascript)
  3. Scotch.io (https://scotch.io/courses/getting-started-with-javascript)
  4. EJMedia - Youtube
  5. Javascript Projects
  6. Learn some Jquery
  7. Udacity-Object oriented Javascript (https://www.udacity.com/course/object-oriented-javascript--ud015)
  8. You don’t know js Book
  9. Eloquent Javascript Book

Now build about 20–40 small projects. Spend 3 months building, start with tic-tac-toe and try everything.

Time to learn MVC, Learn whatever is popular at the time, right now it’s React.

To learn React, MVC, Nodejs, and more you would need paid resources.

Some I recommend are :

…..and to get overview of how things stand in grand scheme

